Complaints procedure
To make a complaint in relation to the services provided to you by Redfin Capital Ltd you can contact the Compliance Officer either by submitting your complaint via email to or by contacting over the telephone +357-25568860.
In your complaint, please include (where applicable):
Your name
Your trading account number
The affected transaction’s details
The date and time that the issue arose.
Please describe all the facts clearly and provide any information that you think may assist us to resolve the complaint promptly.
We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 business days and let you know which employee of Redfin Capital Ltd will be responsible for dealing with your complaint.
The timing of the resolution of your complaint will depend on the gravity of the issue, but we expect that it will not exceed one month from the date of receipt of your complaint. In cases when an answer cannot be provided within the expected time limits we will inform you about causes of the delay and indicate when the investigation is likely to be completed.
We will keep you informed about handling of your complaint during the whole process.
If you are dissatisfied with the final response you have received, you can refer your complaint to
Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission
Department of Market Surveillance and Investigations
Complaints Desk
27 Diagorou Street
CY-1097 Nicosia
General: +357 22506600,
Fax: +357 22 506 700
It is important to stress that the CySEC has no restitution powers. Therefore any complaints submitted to CySEC are taken into consideration in the performance of its supervisory mandate.
Should you consider that you have any disputes with Redfin Capital Ltd, for which you are claiming damages, you are encouraged to consider submitting your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman.
Address: 13 Lord Byron Avenue, 1096 Nicosia
Phone: 2284890
Fax: 22660584, 22660118
Financial Ombudsman: